Helping you to quit smoking, release unwanted weight or take back control of your anxiety.

It’s our passion to help and empower you in this journey and to guide you in becoming the best healthy version of yourself.

At Jacqueline von Horsten Coaching and Hypnosis our hypnosis and coaching sessions are uniquely tailored to making this journey rewarding, so that you can find the solutions to your concerns and make the changes you want to see in your life.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation, a time of focused attention and a time of increased suggestibility. When you are in this tranquil state your subconscious mind is more susceptible and open to change and suggestions. This part of the mind is the driver for behaviours, habits, addictions and emotions, which all influence our thought patterns. We work with the subconscious part of your mind and reprogramme the way you see these problematic habits and triggers; to allow you to get back to being in control.

During our session we’ll work collaboratively to draw you into this relaxed state before we communicate directly with your subconscious mind. We will raise awareness to the thoughts you connect with these unwanted habits around smoking, cravings and triggers. Empowering you to uproot and change the meaning you would usually associate with these unwanted habits.

As everyone will have different connecting thoughts for these behaviours, we know how important it is to create tailored sessions for the success of your new self. We work with your subconscious mind and replace these unwanted thoughts and associations with replacements that will serve you. We aim to help you create habits that last and motivate you in their continuation; not by hard work and willpower, but through simple enjoyable changes.



Our hypnosis treatments will not work for someone who thinks they should quit, nor if they don’t really believe it will work.
We can’t make people do something they truly don’t want too. Hypnosis works through suggestion, not force.

Still Unsure If Hypnotherapy Will Work For You?

Cravings aren’t physical fixations, but mental addictions to a habit.

What makes hypnosis so effective and enjoyable is the way it works directly with your subconscious mind to guide you back on the right path. Hypnosis takes a motivated approach to displace any sense of doubt, before the opportunity to slip even shows itself. The empowerment and improvement in daily life that hypnosis creates is why its reputation is so well heard.

Our hypnosis programmes are ideal for those who:

  • Have tried again and again to quit smoking but keep bouncing back.
  • Want to cope with their stressful workplaces through more beneficial habits.
  • Have tried every conceivable yo-yo diet with little or no success.
  • Have previously tried hypnosis.
  • Are constantly around smokers and struggling when going ‘cold turkey’.
  • Want to improve their long term health and save money.
  • Want to control their anxiety and triggers.

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